The A-Star is dead for good in India. Maruti Suzuki has discontinued the B-Segment hatchback, which was one of its perennial poor sellers. The A-Star managed to ring in 7,113 units during 2013, the worst selling Maruti Suzuki hatchback. For a company whose bread and butter comes from hatchbacks, the A-Star was an aberration, and the car maker has replaced this hatchback with the Celerio. Though a dud in India, the A-Star did well internationally, where it was sold as the Suzuki Alto/Celerio/Nissan Pixo. The car came with a quick revving 1 liter K-Series engine, with manual and automatic gearbox options. A sporty handler, the A-Star was heavily let down by its cramped innards.
The A-Star is dead for good in India. Maruti Suzuki has discontinued the B-Segment hatchback, which was one of its perennial poor sellers. The A-Star managed to ring in 7,113 units during 2013, the worst selling Maruti Suzuki hatchback. For a company whose bread and butter comes from hatchbacks, the A-Star was an aberration, and the car maker has replaced this hatchback with the Celerio. Though a dud in India, the A-Star did well internationally, where it was sold as the Suzuki Alto/Celerio/Nissan Pixo. The car came with a quick revving 1 liter K-Series engine, with manual and automatic gearbox options. A sporty handler, the A-Star was heavily let down by its cramped innards.
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